Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Kali Linux help with how to get into contact with the A-Team on the command line by running multiple .wav or .mp3 files using 'alias' and '.zshrc' to make your computer look likes its connecting using a 56K modem & Morse Code to connect to a server which runs the A-Team Video on Screen.

Need help with Kali Linux and how to get into contact with the A-Team?

Welcome to Operation Good-job!

Dial Up Internet Sound

Why am I doing this firstly, to impress a friend who will come over this evening, as he does not know much about computers, I can make up a story.

Did I tell you a few days ago I got this link and code from the Darknet with a set of instructions. I found an old phone number to a special server somewhere maybe in Russia with really old data just resting on hard drives ready to read. 

Say, you were only on the Darknet for a bit of research to obtain this information, but you came across a site by accident after typing the url in wrong, but you tell them that you are only now going to test to see if the connection works. 

While the person is watching, you press a few keys with a big smack on Enter, and watch it work this bit of magic. Watch the mp4 video below to see what happens and if you think it's worth the hassle, but think of it this way, I had to learn how to do this and I learnt a lot about installing packages, configuring a file to run a script you edited and now you will know what the command does. I had to learn how to use this blog to be able to post how to do this so you can impress your mates!

Instructions are below below.


VID: Shows what can happen.

Before I start, let me explain, magic can be used on anything as the results is to get a smile or a laugh or both if your lucky, to cheer and brighten up their lives in a small way.  The build up.

Rule No1. in magic.. Do not tell them the out come and never mention any words related to this tomfoolery as it will remain in their unconscious where they could put two and two together and ruin your hours work. 

Like magic, it's not the trick that impresses people and it does not matter if the trick fails as you can add it to the act and use it as a tactic, like if the alias does not work, say they are blocking my 'ADSL/56K' attempt, so I will try another IP port and network hub by triangulating my ping from Europe to South America, so I can by-pass Russian network controllers in the Cuba Station.

The better the story by using lingo and jargon will make the person experience confusion due to the human belief system trying to understand and process the information while trying to understand what you are saying while trying not to look and feel like a dumb ass. Know they enemy. (Sun Zu, Sometime).

Include them into the moment and add them to the story which should ease the last situation from your friend to not feel a dumb ass, then as by the time you finished, they should feel like one then but in a great way! Ask them while you are getting everything in place and ready by saying 'you know about computers a bit don't you?' They should say a little, then you say great then you will know what I am doing, say it's all safe as the cold war is over! hehe. Make a joke as this will lighten the mood and guide their minds to where you want them to be, confused.

Take a minute to lead into the story and build on it, then say I'm interested into taking a look. a quick peek should be fine if I use a double reversed firewall using two VPNS, so let's have a look. It's a Rick Roll but with the A-Team. Operation Good-job is now under way.


Rule No2. Don't do the same trick on someone twice. 

Rule No3. See Rule 1 && 2.


What we will learn. 

A: How to make an Alias script in .zshrc

B: How to edit the .zshrc file.

C: Where to get the sound files.

D: Impress the *hit out of your mates, as from now on, your 'in the know' group. I really believe the reaction will be better than watching Captain Marvel.

For instructions on how to install the needed packages, I have made separate blog post and linked into the steps below. 


What we will need on Kali

1: MPlayer 1.4 installed

2: ZSH Shell (Bash will also do, but haven't tested it yet).

3: The sound files and the A-Team.mp4 downloaded and in a directory (folder).

I am using 'Peek' to record the process as a .gif file. This is really cool to record things and post it. If i had an error I can now record it and post it up so people can see what is happening and help. Anyways, back to this. 

4: Tilix Terminal or any terminal where you can have a split screen showing two terminals.

5: htop package for showing the computers processes running.

All the links are below to get the files.

How to get it all to work.

 ### important to have the screens in thje same layout as mine, as when I was testing the video screen came up behind the terminal, but doing what I did by halfing the terminal to the left hand side of the screen in split mode with htop running. The video screen should appear to the rtight of rthe terminal, if not adjust the window to where you want it, like where i have it, and then close it and rerun the program and the window shoul open in the same place as before. ###

Magic takes time in the prep work! 


A: Download all the files and put them into a folder/directory called dialup

B: Open Tilix Terminal or another one with split screen abilities. 

C: $ ls -la in you home directory to show all the files to see if you can see the .zshrc file.

D: Once located and seen then proceed to,

E: $ nano .zshrc

I am using Atom for editing my files, people use nano like I do, they will do the same job, I am using Atom to learn a new package. Always learn new things.

F: Scroll down to the area where it mentions alias.

PIC: Atom editor showing where the alias are.

G: Enter this line just under alias ip='ip --color=auto'

alias cuba-station='cd "/home/ranger/Documents/wav/dialup/" && mplayer dial-tone.mp3 && mplayer dial-up-internet.mp3 && mplayer morse.wav && mplayer dial-tone.mp3 && mplayer dialing-number.mp3 && mplayer morse.wav && mplayer A-Team.mp4'

Save and exit.


Let's break this down WTF.

alias cuba-station is the name of the alias or shortcut I am using, you could type russia, ussr or cuba-site, cuba-station to make it more mysterious. I used 'dialup' as a test before hand and is shown in the picture as above so below.

cd "/home/ranger/Documents/wav/dialup/" is the location where I have the folder saved with the files needed.

&& is a command to say once you did this, then do this!

mplayer dial-tone.mp3 is asking the package we installed called mplayer to play the .mp3 file we want to play, this is the same for all the other .mp3 and .mp4 file.

Careful of just replacing the path to your saved folder, but save all the files with the same name as I chose to make things easier. If you have any errors, it's most likely something we did wrong with the coding, like me see below.

PIC: A failed attempt at running the .zshrc alias script.

After making sure the alias line was correct, it wasn't as I had a different name for two of the .mp3 files so this is why it didn't work for me, but does it ever work first time on Linux! lolz ... 

It should work eventually and make sure all the other packages/software are installed and working, you may need to reboot and run the updates again with no other programs open.

Links to software packages and .mp3 files needed for this trick.


$ sudo apt install mplayer

$ sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade

$ mplayer A-Team.mp4



ZSH Shell

$ sudo apt install zsh 

$ sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade

$ zsh

htop Process viewer

$ sudo apt install htop

$ sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade

$ htop

Tilix Terminal

$ sudo apt install tilix

$ sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade

Search your machine for Tilix in Applications, then just click it to open. Add it to your side-bar as I found Tilix wonderful to use. 


American Dial Tone


Dial Up Internet Sound


Morse Code


The A-Team Intro





Thank you and well done for making it this far, like me you have a long road of learning ahead of you. Now the packages are installed, it's time now to start to learn how to use them, being honest I have installed many packages but do not know how to use them. So a plan of learning one a day will help me to catch up. 
Today we covered alias, .zshrc file, mplayer, Tilix, Peek, Psychology and a command which starts a script in the terminal to get a few files to run in order to drop a Rick Roll A-Team moment.

Be safe,


I like it when a plan comes together.

A Team “I love it when a plan comes together”. Repost due to removal :  r/MemeTemplatesOfficial

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