Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Kali Linux help for Phoneinfoga & Findind Information from a Phone Number Using OSINT Tools by Ranger Smyth, Dec 2021.


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 PhoneInfoga Ver. v1.6.4
 Coded by Sundowndev
 There are a few different ways to install Phoninfoga.
First way to use the curl command which runs the installer.
Second is is to download latest release in the current directory from Github.
Third is to download the tar file. PhoneInfoga_Linux_x86_64.tar.
First way which worked for me.
 I am following the Phoneinfoga Tutorial by the Creator SundownDev
 A: Install the Phoneinfoga Package.
 $ uname -a ## This shows you your system information. 
 Linux Kali-ROG 5.14.0-kali4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 5.14.16-1kali1 (2021-11-05) x86_64 GNU/Linux

 $ sudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade -y 
 $ curl -sSL | bash 
 ## The curl command downloads the same file PhoneInfoga_Linux_x86_64.tar. that is available
    on the downloads page

I have actually no idea where this installed to as I had previously downloaded and cloned
    the GitHub link which I found didn't have or requirements.txt
 B: So lets check if the curl installed phoneinfoga package by typing,
 $ ./phoneinfoga version 
 ## This was on SunDownDev's site the command did not work for me. 
 ## So I tried this command instead.
 $ phoneinfoga version  
 [i] PhoneInfoga 2.3.8 (8403f33)
[i] Maintained by sundowndev
 Yes!!! Phoneinfoga is installed on your system !!!
 C: Now to make it easier by not having to be in the phoneinfoga directory every time to use 
    the package. 
    You can also install it globally by adding the command below to be able to
    run the package any where on the system.
  $ sudo mv ./phoneinfoga /usr/bin/phoneinfoga 
 D: Lets try a search on the command line using a number from their website
    I used my own mobile phone number, but only use a number you have permission to, or 
    you could get in trouble. Also, use a VPN as Google does not like these tools. 
    I've been banned twice.I will have instructions on how to work-around this.
    I will add it below.
 Here is the documentation for CLI usage.

There are two ways in running a scan on a phone number.


1: Use the terminal to scan a number.


$ phoneinfoga scan -n "+1 (555) 444-1212" 

$ phoneinfoga scan -n "+1 555-444-3333"

$ phoneinfoga scan -n "+33 06 79368229" 

$ phoneinfoga scan -n "33679368229" 


2: Use your browser like Chrome to open a webpage that was made during the install to help you search called a GUI.

$ phoneinfoga serve will run on defauly poprt 5000

$ phoneinfoga serve -p 8080 will run on prot 8080

## I used this port as 8080 is already used by web apps to get on the internet.  


You should then be able to see the web client at: http://localhost:8080



Sometimes, this tool can get you temporarily blacklisted from Google searches because of the way it's programmed. It's annoying but easily resolved with a Google abuse exemption, detailed at the end of the video above.


Today we covered phoneinfoga, GitHub, and CURL


Thank you and well done for making it this far, like me you have a long road of learning ahead of you. Now the packages are installed, it's time now to start to learn how to use them, being honest I have installed many packages but do not know how to use them. So a plan of learning one a day will help me to catch up. 
Today we covered phoneinfoga, GitHub, and CURL
Be safe,

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How to Search Google from the Command Line

    Probe the world's most popular search engine without leaving the terminal